
Sunday 7 May 2017

الاختبارات الدورية

A. Choose the correct suffixes to form occupations from the words 
between brackets. 
1. Andrew is a very talented (art ) 
 A.-ist B. -ian C. -er D. - x 
2. We hired a new (design) to fix the house. 
A -ist B. -ian C. -er D. - x 
3. they find a babysit to take care of their children. 
A. -ist B. -ian C. -er D. - x 
 B. Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences.
4- I'm very bust. I have lots of _____ 
 A. job B. work C. career D. business 
5- Ahmed _______ a poetry competition last year. 
 A. earned B. won C. got D. bought
6- We all make ______________, but not all of us learn from them. 
A. exam B. mistakes C. projects D. grant 
7- He is studying a new ____________ 
 A. experiment B. language C. projects D. certificate
8- My driving ________ says that I’m making progress. 
 A. teacher B. doctor C. professor D. instructor
9- Math is Dan’s favourite _______ 
 A.subject B. course C. language D. lesson 
10. Sleep is an ………………….part of healthy living. 
A. unnecessary B. interesting C. essential D. attractive 
 C. Choose the British word that have same meaning of it's American equivalent. 
11. I'm cooking on my new stove. 
A. cooker B. fall C. jumper D. pavement 
12. I'd like to have some fries with my steak. 
 A. cooker B. fall C. shop D. chips 
D. Choose the grammatically correct word to complete the following sentences.
13- Afaf ___________for three hours . A. has slept B. has been sleeping C. sleep D. slept 
14- You should ___________ thinking about your future . A. start B. started C. have started D. starting  15-We _______ four English courses so far . A. take B. takes C. have taken D. have been takin 
16 - Have you _______ been to Paris before ? A. never B. ever C. every D. yet 
17- You should _________ to your mom!!! A. listen B. listens C. have listened D. has listened 
18- The book _____________ you gave me is very important . A. who B. where C. when D. whose 
19- Riyadh , _____________ we live, is the capital city of K.S.A . A. who B. where C. when D. whose

A. Choose the correct suffixes to form occupations from the words  between brackets. 
1. Andrew is a very talented (art ) 
 A.-ist B. -ian C. -er D. - x 
2. We hired a new (design) to fix the house. 
A -ist B. -ian C. -er D. - x 
3. they find a babysit to take care of their children. 
A. -ist B. -ian C. -er D. - x 
 B. Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences.
4- I'm very bust. I have lots of _____ 
 A. job B. work C. career D. business 
5- Ahmed _______ a poetry competition last year. 
 A. earned B. won C. got D. bought
6- We all make ______________, but not all of us learn from them. 
A. exam B. mistakes C. projects D. grant 
7- He is studying a new ____________ 
 A. experiment B. language C. projects D. certificate
8- My driving ________ says that I’m making progress. 
 A. teacher B. doctor C. professor D. instructor
9- Math is Dan’s favourite _______ 
 A.subject B. course C. language D. lesson 
10. Sleep is an ………………….part of healthy living. 
A. unnecessary B. interesting C. essential D. attractive 
 C. Choose the British word that have same meaning of it's American equivalent.  11. I'm cooking on my new stove. 
A. cooker B. fall C. jumper D. pavement 
12. I'd like to have some fries with my steak. 
 A. cooker B. fall C. shop D. chips

Choose the correct grammatical word:  1- She………. English since 1996. That's why she is so  good now 
A-has taught 
B-have taught 
C-have been teaching 
D-has been teaching 
2- Germany…………. the world cup 5 times. 
A-has won 
B-have won 
C-has been wining 
D-have been wining 
3- She………… English to adults for over 18 years 
A-have been teaching 
B-have taught 
C-has taught 
D-has been teaching 
4- I am so tired. I ……….. for 8hours 
A-has worked 
B-has been working 
C-have worked 
D-have been working 
5- I bought a laptop……….. is a new model 

6- The house ………… family lives, is quite small  A-where 
7- This is the girl…………….lent me the book 
8- The library ………….. I go, is so bigger than this one.  A-when 
9- You ………….. swim during the storm. 
C-had better 
10- You ………… say the truth or I'll never talk to you  again!!
A-had better
B-Choose the correct word to 
complete the meaning of the 
11- This is the ( job-work-win) I always 
dreamt to take. 
12- Sara's team ( earn-win-work) the match.  13- We all (make-get-do) mistakes . 
14- I (take –do –study) my homework. 
15- I have an English (lesson-subject-
course) tomorrow. 
16- Fatima has a (subject-degree-
certificate) in English History. 
17- "My dad bought me a cellphone." 
The British word for cellphone is (lorry-
mobile phone-lift) 
18- I need to buy a new clothes , can you 
come with me to the ( fall-pants-store)? 19- The ( professor-teacher-lesson) who  taught me in the high school called 
20- I need to buy another ( holiday-fall-
trainers) this one is very small.

Choose the correct grammatical word:  1- I need ___________ after finishing my work. 
D-to sleep 
2- We usually go ___________ in the weekends. 
C-to shop 
3- We ____________ visit you tonight. 
A-may have visited you 
B-may visit. 
C- can't have visited you. 
D- visiting 
4- This is impossible! You _________ kidding!! 
A-could be 
B-can be 
C-may be 
D-must be 
5- I ____________ believe that he stole my book. He  was my best friend. 
A-may not 
D- can

6- She made this cake, ___________________? 
A-will she 
B-did she 
C-didn't she 
D-won't she 
7- It's too hot today, ___________________? 
A-aren't they? 
B-isn't it? 
C-is it? 
D-are they? 
8- The library ………….. I go, is so bigger than this one.  A-when 
9- You ………….. swim during the storm. 
C-had better 
10- She let me _____________ up late sometimes.
B-to stay
D- stays
B-Choose the correct word to 
complete the meaning of the 
11- I'm sure we will (take -get-go- have) fun  tonight. 
12- Sara( took- got -have- went ) a nice 
13- He writes amazing kids (stories -
histories -lectures) 
14- There is a (foreign –strange –distant )  smell in the kitchen. 
15- You must (mention-tell-report) a crime  when you see one. 
16- You can't tell the difference between 
(identical-similar-alike) twins 
17- He gave me a ( set- pile – bunch) of 
The he has a very nice ( set- pile – bunch)  of tools 
18- Don't forget to buy your ( ticket-fare-
store) for the match! 
19- I organize my ( set- pack – bunch) of 
20- Jeddah's weather is ( wet-humid-fog).

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